
The days in NYC 8.14

The days in NYC 8.14
Today is my B-day! Esther&richard took meto the Trump tower for lunch! It’s a french food restaurant. I ordered a laboster with cantaloup soup. Main dish was steak! It’s my favorite~ But,it was very...very small! -_- French food.... And i went to NICK TOWN & DISNEY STORE !! Enjoy the night view on the 5th AV. ^_^


我親愛的寶貝帥恩 生日快樂啦!! 很高興你來紐約玩!我會盡力當你的私人導遊外加煮飯阿嫂! 今天是你生日!帶你去中央公園旁的餐廳吃法國餐! :) 別再昏睡啦!一個月不算短!但也不長! 好好的渡假吧! 生日快樂啦 你可愛美麗聰明伶俐的姐姐
